Friday, February 13, 2009

Personality Check

Did you know that, how you keep your loose coins has a say about you? How do you go about with your loose coins defines your personality. I came across with an article by Dr. Johnny Noet Ravalo, he told a story about a person named Al and explains what kind of personality Al has by simply knowing how he keep his loose coins. The story talks about an ordinary employee who is assured that his salary will be at his ATM every 15th and 30th of the month, just passive. He doesn’t seem to bother counting his change. I usually find myself on this situation too, no doubt. The story goes; this driver doesn’t have savings at all. His personality speaks that he is a slipshod, philosophical and is prone to discharge circumstances in times of complex situation. Thus, other “non-counters” so to speak has tendency that they often take into account their cash flows.
They less likely treat coins as money at all. The 100-peso bill is different from 20 pieces 5-peso coin. They would less like left the coins elsewhere. These kinds of people were treated likewise as investors, as Dr. Ravalo puts it. Instead of putting their money on a time deposit that can generate a guaranteed income on interest, they will gamble on investing into a higher yield, higher balance-longer tenor instruments. When their investment will reach to its peak, they will all the more avoid counting off the coins.
On the other hand, the opposite are those who have savings habit. Thus, it started with a simple piggy bank. These types of person have great pleasure in binding the increasing weight their piggy banks had become. These people were tending to be more patient and they are mindless doing the tiny details to achieve success. These were the people who have high emotional quotient.
All these were habits, in whatever situation we are right now, neither we experience abundance or our income is just sufficient to value savings greatly, reflect on the value of a coin and it will make a difference. Though savings may not a guarantee, that when in time of dire needs, we will have enough, nobody has and no body will be, and same is true with having life insurance, nobody profits from life insurance, but the fact still remains, at least have prepared for it. It gives you security than not having at all.
This is like the classic tale of the ant. I’m sure everyone knows it. We should learn the values the ants possess. They save what we scattered around. When rainy season comes, they have enough stock to feed the whole army.
Look around; see if you have loose coins, when you count them, you’re a peso richer.

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